Collaborative Research Opportunities


Collaborative Research Opportunities

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Collaborative Research Opportunities

The Jain Foundation is an experienced collaborator with researchers, physicians, academic institutions, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies seeking to advance dysferlinopathy research and programs.

The Jain Foundation frequently works with academic institutions and industry to move us closer to our goal of finding treatments and a better quality of life for individuals living with dysferlinopathy. We provide a wide range of resources (see below) at no cost for research and programs that align with our priorities.

Want to learn more about working with us? If you share our goal of helping individuals with dysferlinopathy or you have any questions, we are here to help and want to hear from you.  Contact our Staff at

Funding and Non-financial Resources

The Jain Foundation offers a range of resources that directly enable, derisk, and speed your research

Knowledge Sharing

The Jain Foundation promotes knowledge and resource sharing among the entire dysferlin research community in order to speed our efforts to find treatments for dysferlinopathy

Engaging the Dysferlinopathy  Community

We have many ways we engage with the dysferlinopathy communities that companies can access and become involved in