Dysferlin Deficient Mice are Available from the Jain Foundation

The Jain Foundation maintains a live colony of dysferlin deficient Bla/J mice that we supply free of charge upon request to researchers worldwide. The colony includes Bla/J mice of varying ages up to 1 year.

Based on our experience with different dysferlin deficient mouse models, we prefer the Bla/J strain for most applications that don’t require a specific type of DYSF mutation. The genetic dysferlin mutation in the Bla/J line is an ETn retrotransposon (5-6kb) inserted in intron 4 of the dysferlin gene, which results in no detectable dysferlin expressed by these animals. The Bla/J are on the C57BL/6 background, therefore, the C57BL/6 strain (Jax strain# 000664) can be used as a wildtype control.
Learn more about the Bla/J strain of mice.

Request Bla/J Mice from the Jain Foundation

Send an email to the Jain Foundation at admin@jain-foundation.org with the information below. NOTE: Contact the Jain Foundation first, not JAX, with your request.  JAX will only fulfill orders after our approval.

  1. Full name and email of Principal Investigator
  2. Full name and email of the institution’s veterinarian
  3. Quantity of mice requesting
  4. Sex of mice requesting
  5. Age(s) of mice requesting
  6. When you need the mice

If the inventory you are requesting is available and approved, the Jain Foundation will provide you with instructions to place your order with JAX.  If the exact quantity, age or sex is not available, we will contact you to provide the available options.

The Bla/J strain was developed by Isabelle Richard, PhD, at Genethon (PMID: 20154340). Any research or scientific work using this Bla/J strain should acknowledge Dr. Richard for her development, characterization, and donation of the line to the JAX public repository.

Are you looking for other strains of dysferlin mice for your research?
There are a growing number of man-made and naturally occurring
dysferlin deficient mouse lines, including those with DYSF point mutations,
which can be used for genetic editing and nonsense readthrough evaluations.
For a full list of available animals models and where to obtain them,
please visit our Animal Models page.




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